Dr. Jason Litner, MD FRCSC (photo)

Nose Job Gone Wrong? We Can Help Fix It!

Nose Job Gone Wrong? We Can Help Fix It!

Posted by Dr. Litner and Dr. Solieman on November 10th, 2023

If you’re unhappy with your nose job results then you need to read this! Rhinoplasty, commonly referred to as a nose job, is a delicate art that demands precision, expertise, and a profound understanding of facial aesthetics. However, there are instances where a nose job goes wrong, leaving patients with results that are far from their desired look.

“Piggy” Appearance of a Botched Nose Job

We recently encountered one such case, a clear example of a botched nose job. The patient had previously undergone rhinoplasty elsewhere, which unfortunately led to an over-shortened tip, causing it to rotate backward. This resulted in a distinct “piggy” nose appearance, allowing a direct view into her nostrils. Also, the misalignment made her nose appear crooked, presenting a series of aesthetic challenges.

Thankfully, with PROFILES’ double board-certified facial plastic surgeons, Drs. Litner and Solieman, there was hope! With their skilled approach, their revision rhinoplasty procedure fixed the patient’s botched nose job.

How Did Our Facial Plastic Surgeons Turn Things Around?

Her nasal bridge was reconstructed using donor rib cartilage, a trusted and safe material. This addition provided the necessary length to the nose and helped counter-rotate the tip to its rightful position. The smooth contour was reestablished, and the notching in the nostril was meticulously addressed. The outcome was a beautifully sculpted nose that looked natural and harmonious with her facial features.

Avoid a Botched Nose Job. Choose PROFILES Beverly Hills!

While rhinoplasty can be life-changing, it’s essential to choose a surgeon who shares your vision and has a track record of excellence. And if you ever find yourself with a nose job gone wrong, remember that with the right expertise, there’s always a path to redemption. Kudos to our brave patient for trusting us with her revision rhinoplasty!

If you’ve experienced a nose job gone wrong, book a consultation with our PROFILES Beverly Hills office to see how we can help you achieve results that boost your confidence. Watch our patient video to see for yourself.

Full Facelift vs. Mini Lift

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